This is my blog, I'm Barry the Brainy Bee and I'm one of the Busy Bee team here at Rowandale. I'll be blogging about my adventures with the Busy Bees and sharing some of the great work they're doing in their classrooms and on their classroom blogs.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Term 2 Week 7 Classroom Blog Challenge

Challenge Time!

Here's the week 7 challenge, remember to comment on this post once you're done so that I can have a look at your posts and decide who will get an award this week. 

I'm really enjoying reading all of your great blogs, have you had a look around at what other classes have been posting?  Don't forget to put a comment on the posts you read about what you enjoyed and maybe a question or a suggestion.


  1. The Magnificent Monkeys have posted the challenge. Have a look here:

  2. Great retelling Magnificent Monkeys, you're blog is looking fantastic!

  3. Sorry it's late but I but the Minions did complete the challenge, Its Miss longstaff who got this up late. Loooking forward to next week's challenge.

  4. No problem Miss Longstaff, I've quickly flown over to the Mighty Minions blog and read all about their reading learning this week. Keep up the great work Minions!


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